The Big Three

So, I've been thinking (I do that a lot).

And I've come to realize that in two years of being in the blogging world (but really only one of actual BLOGGING), I've never really set out to explain who I am, why I want to blog, and what I am passionate about on here.

I think part of that is due to the fact that most of you, my few, wonderful, and oh-so-very dear readers, know the "real" me, so there's no need to explain. You already KNOW.

But after thinking about it, I think that it's important that I share some of these things on here, whether you know them or not.

The who I am part can wait. I haven't even figured that one out yet. I'll let you know when (more like IF!) I do.

The why I want to blog part is pretty straightforward: I'm a writer at heart, I have TONS of stories to tell (because I have loads of wacky things happen all around me every day. Just ask the Daddy, he says I attract bizarreness.), and I love my kids and want to record some of what they do in a format that will actually allow me to remember in my older, more senile, years.

So, that leaves the passions.

Yikes. That's a doozy.

I'm kinda-sorta-maybe super-passionate about EV-ER-Y-THING, or just kinda "Meh." about it all.

It's like this - when the Daddy and I first started dating, he asked me what my favorite color was, and I responded: "Oh, periwinkle! And, um, sea green. Oh! And that wonderful cantaloupe orange-y color. And violet, which is like periwinkle, but more purple. And aqua. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE aqua!"

To which the Daddy, being the Daddy, responded, "You do know what the meaning of the word favorite is, right?"

I *love* color. Almost ALL the colors. There are very few that I don't like. But, that being said, the few that are truly near and dear to my heart surround me every day in our home. They're my favorite FAVORITES.

And so it is with many part of my life. I have a lot of "favorites." But the really stand-out ones... There are not quite so many of those.

There are really three. Three things of nearly equal importance in my life.

In no particular order:

The first is being diabetic. Not the diabetes part, though. The part where I have learned about nutrition, health, insurance companies, eating habits, whole foods, regulating my intake, and how who I am is often dictated by what I eat because I AM A DIABETIC AND DIABETES AFFECTS E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

I'm not passionate about diabetes. I pretty much loathe this disease. But I cannot deny that I have learned some major lessons about life through it, and by the grace of God, have lived to tell the tale. And that makes me passionate about knowing (and hopefully, one day, actually implementing ALL the knowledge I have) as much as possible about all the things I just listed... Foods, eating, nutrition, health, the medical industry, insurance, supplements, etc.

So yeah. That's one.

Then there's Holocaust  and Jewish studies. Not your typical, run-of-the-mill subject matter, I know. But it's my THING. Seriously.

There are a lot of really interesting and convoluted reasons for this love of all things Judaic, and particularly Holocaust studies, but I won't get into them now. Suffice it to say, I am this close to converting.

Sad as it may sound, it's kind of the bacon that's holding me back. I almost wish I'd never eaten pig before, because GOODNESS... Pigs are so tasty! I mean, honestly, how could God create an animal that is SO CLEARLY meant to be chopped up and consumed in any number of delightfully delicious ways... And then decree that it is unclean and must not be eaten???? *Sigh* That one, I really don't understand.

But Jews, Jewishness, Jewish identity, the Holocaust, Holocaust education, Holocaust Survivors... Oh, WOW. I could talk about these things for hours. HOURS. Days, even. (And you think I kid... But no, it's true. I'd talk to a tree if it told me it was Jewish.)

So there's that. (And it's kind of a big that, as many of you already know.)

And then there's my family. The Daddy, the girlies. The stuff of my heart. I told a friend recently that relationships are what the foundations of the world are made up of. Nothing else matters as much as the state of our relationships - with God, with our families, with our friends, with ourselves, with the world at large... NOTHING.

Which is why I started blogging to begin with. To kind of chart these relationships in a concrete way.

So there's the big three. In three words: health, Holocaust, relationships.

And then there are the ancillary favorites, the sideline passions that still get me excited... Photography. Writing. Cooking and baking (my business included, though it has been feeling neglected lately, but that is another story for another time). Reading. Educating - myself, my children, and anyone else who might be around. GAMES (oh, just wait 'till I get to this one!). Jewelry. Interior design. Ideas.

I started blogging because I wanted a place to throw down my thoughts and ideas. To tell my stories (although I have so many, I can't seem to keep up with writing them!). To share who I am. At least, the parts that I've kinda sorta figured out. And to take the journey of discovering more through this unique medium.

And I've done a little of that, but not enough. So over the next couple of weeks (for realz!), I'm going to start blogging some of my stories about The Big Three, and why I think they are important - not only for me, but for everybody. And no, you'll never love my kids as much as I do, but maybe what I tell you about them might make you think. Or laugh. Or both.

And that's kind of the point, isn't it?

So. Your turn. What're your Big Three?


  1. We are so much more alike than I realized girl! I love Jewish studies too and it's absolutely fascinating to me and I love And sadly... I too love the bacon... Dang it! But lately we've only been eating turkey bacon... so hmm... maybe there's a chance! lol... And the fact I am seriously in love with a guy named Jesus... so maybe Messianic Judaism? :-)

  2. Carrie, that *totally* doesn't surprise me! Of course we have so much in common! :O) I personally can't do turkey bacon (it's just NOT THE SAME!!!), so, sadly, that's out. But you know - the Messianic Jews I've known sometimes do eat bacon. And many Reform Jews do, too... But if I was going to do it, it would have to be Orthodox (that's truly just me), and I just don't know if my love affair with all things pork will ever end enough to make that jump. :O)
