KayKay turned SEVEN this past Saturday. SEVEN. As if I wasn't dealing with enough psychological trauma over the fact that she's in Second Grade.
We had a Mermaid party. It's been party central around our house for the last two weeks as I have been frantically trying to get everything together for this party. Because we do themed parties around our place, and because I'm all about fabulous *AND* frugal. Emphasis on the frugal part.

There were Mermaid invitations, hand-painted and glittered by myself and the little ladies:
And a Mermaid Lagoon sign that is too cute for words, but I haven't taken a picture of it yet. We are SO keeping that! And Mermaid food, of course... Lots of Mermaid food. Because mermaids are hungry, you know.

My dear friend, the always-practical Miss Jessica Phillips, asked me if I was making them for KayKay or for myself, and I freely admit it... They were totally for me.

Anyway. Four hours for a meager THIRTY-TWO pops. Four hours. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Fortunately, Miss Jessica came to my rescue in the making of these. I had been planning on making them for everyone at the party - two per person - which would have meant making about 65 of them. but when I was talking about the prep for them, she wisely suggested I make a sheet cake for the adults and leaving the pops for the kids. What a great idea! My frou-frou self would never have considered something so fabulously simple as that. And it worked out beautifully.
So a Mermaid party it was. We had starfish sandwiches, and the table was covered in little painted seahorses and seashells and aqua tulle. There were mermaid tails and little glitter fish and it was held at the only ocean-themed park that I know of in this landlocked state. It was beautiful, if I do say so myself.

Oh how fun,Kristen! You are amazing..! I love all of these photos - you really captured the day well.