It's Amazing...

... What you can find, smeared and dried into a nice bugger-like consistency, across your favorite living room lamp after cleaning up the day after pizza. First pizza we've had since we've lived in this apartment, and I find pizza sauce, in nice, small, finger-shaped smudges crusted on my lamp. *Sigh*

... What the Ladybug packs in her "bag" before we leave the house. Doesn't matter what the "bag" is, exactly. It's usually a purse-type thing, but anything will do. Sometimes it's even an old sock. Seriously. And there is ALWAYS one single, lonely wooden block in amongst the victims of her packing spree. And there is ALWAYS Hippo (one of her most favorite stuffed animals... A hippo. Creatively named, Hippo. The Ladybug takes her naming quite literally most of the time. She has a bear named, appropriately enough, "Bear," and a baby named, well, "Baby," and you get the gist...). Because God-forbid we leave the house without Hippo. It would be an incident of beyond epic proportions.

... That KayKay can so perfectly understand concepts that are way advanced for her age (that a flat field we passed today on the way home was considered a plane), but at the same time have a hard time understanding silly simple stuff (why we shouldn't pull up a weed - or any other plant - just to plant it in another part of the yard, for instance).

... How cute both the girls look with their new-and-not-so-new bobs.

... I finally figured out KayKay's love language! I think... She's constantly "doing" for us, so I have a sneaking suspicion that her love language is Acts of Service. She made lunch the other day for everyone - she'd woken up from her nap earlier than everyone else, and laid out little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and crackers and baby carrots all on plates, one for each of us. It was very sweet, and very telling... She's been a doer for some time now, but this is the first time it actually clicked in my brain... "Oh yeah, Acts of Service!" But I'll need to read the Five Love Languages of Children just to make certain. I've had it in my bookcase for ages just waiting until one of them was old enough that I could read it and figure that mystery out!

... That I was in Whole Foods a few days ago picking up a couple of things, and while looking at the peaches, grabbed one that had a sweet little REAL ladybug on it. And it was just me and my Ladybug when it happened! We got to let her go together outside. It was a moment. Oddly, ladybug-type things and ladybugs themselves seem to congregate around my Little Ladybug, without any influence from me. For instance, my grandmother, whom I know for a fact doesn't read this blog or know of my nickname for the Ladybug, recently bought a hand-blown glass necklace for each of the girls. And what did she give? A ladybug, on a red and black ribbon.

... How funny I still find the old Looney Tunes cartoons to be. No matter how many times I watch them. I laugh every, single time Daffy Duck says, "Hasty la-vise-ta," or Bugs calls someone a "maroon." And don't even get me started on Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. Or Foghorn Leghorn. Or Marvin Martian. Or even Gossamer.

... That the Daddy and I can carry on a conversation for a considerable (e.g. a half hour) period of time about that couple sitting across from us at the restaurant where we ate dinner. It's sad, I know. But it's also highly entertaining. And fun to imagine what their lives are like.

... That I'm not in bed yet. G'night!

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