The Ladybug Makes A Confession


The other night I'm on Facebook, doing Facebook things, and I come across a friend whose profile pic had just been changed. Normal, right?

Right. Happens all the time. No big.

It's a photo of this friend's baby and a man whom I assume is a mutual friend. 

So I went on to comment because it's a particularly awesome photo, taken by a particularly awesome photographer, whom I greatly admire.

And that's where the fun starts.

While I was commenting, the Ladybug wanders over to see what I'm doing.

Actually, let me rephrase that.

While I was commenting, the Ladybug spied the photo from ACROSS THE ROOM and came BOUNDING over to the couch bubbling over with excitement and the giggles. "Who's that???" She immediately demands. I tell her I have no idea, because honestly, I do not know. Well, I know the baby, but only peripherally.

But before I can even finish saying, "I don't know." she's already moved on to, "Do you think HE'S MARRIED?"

Well, then.

I glance over at her from the corner of my eye and kind of laugh. She immediately turned bright red and clapped her hands over her mouth.

So I ask, "The baby? Do you want to know if the baby is married?"

"NO, Mommy! The man." She pointed at him on the screen.


And A MAN is definitely what he is. A big, burly, muscular MAN. And my five-year-old is half in love with him. She wouldn't let me move the screen from this photo for a good five minutes. She even held my hands down so I couldn't move. And sat there staring and giggling and blushing like he was making big, burly, man-ish googoo eyes right back at her.

Photo by Zack Arias.
Ummmm. She's FIVE. Up until now, her only crush was the cow at the local Chic-fil-A. Oh, and my mother's male goat.

She's apparently upgraded.

I'm definitely not ready for this. God help me.


  1. Lol. Oh, Kristen. That is too funny. Are you going to let her write him a letter?? What does DAD think about this?

  2. Oh, I KNOW, Christy!!

    I hadn't thought about having her write him a letter... Hmmm. That both brilliant and terrifying (for me! :O).

    The Daddy was equally as surprised and (somewhat) dumbfounded as I was! He officially dubbed the incident "weird." Ha! :O)
