I Love My Family (Or, Outtakes From Our Florida Adventure)

My family is crazy. CRAZY with a capital "C". My children included. Crazy wonderful, crazy insane, crazy good, crazy bad, crazy in-all-the-ways-you've-never-even-heard of, they've got it all (But hopefully my children won't inherit ALL that, though. :O). They make ME crazy (more than normal).

But I love them.

I am a product of my family, no doubt about it. They are pretty much wholly responsible for my bizarre and off-beat sense of humor, my incredibly weird habits, and my (relative) lack of inhibition. Among other things.

But I love them.

SO. In honor of my awesome crazy family, I thought I'd share some fun photos from our recent visit. Can you tell my children are total hams?!?!


This one will probably get me in trouble. I love you, Dad! 

If I survive, I'll be posting on Monday. Otherwise, you'll know what happened to me, and you might want to contact the authorities.

So, now I wanna hear all about YOUR crazy families. Because I *know* you've got them!

Au revoir, mes amis! I'm out.

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