Moments... And Monday Reading

Good November morning!

Well, seeing as I starting about 32 different posts this week, but didn't actually FINISH any of them, let alone get around actually posting them, I thought I'd go ahead and make it my Monday goal to finish AND post this one.

Today is All Saints' Day (about which I am learning, and incorporating into our homeschooling stuff today), and as yesterday was All Hallow's Eve, our weekend was full.

We enjoyed a potluck and bonfire at some dear friends' out in the country (Miss Olivia, we love you!), played games and had a sleepover, went on the ultimate trick-or-treating adventure in a WONDERFUL neighborhood (There was FREE. HOT. RUM-SPIKED. CIDER. for the parents... Just... WOW. That is all. :O), and ended the weekend (and our evening) with some time at our neighbor's WONDERFUL Halloween party.

It was a good weekend.

Today, this Monday, this first day of the month of November, is a day about moments. And since it's not only being the first day of the week in our modern society, but also the first day of the month, I think that's fitting.

The girls and I took a long walk this morning. It was a perfect morning for it. Blue skies, the air glittering with the crisp ripeness of autumn, and flaming leaves crunching under our feet as we walked. And as we walked, I watched the girls run and play with each other and REALLY CONNECT. KayKay let her sister win nearly every race, and the Ladybug was only too happy to jump and fly and fall into KayKay's waiting arms. They laughed and giggled, and when KayKay found "the last dandelion of the season," she most generously gave it to the Ladybug to make a wish. It was beautiful.

Watching them, I was in love. Enthralled. Entranced.

It was a walk filled with beautiful moments.

THIS is why I always wanted to be a Mommy. THIS is why we are choosing to homeschool. Moments like this morning, bursting with beauty and joy, closeness and connectedness, imagination and beauty. I am so blessed. And so grateful to be able to take this journey of homeschooling with my sweet girls.

No, not every moment is perfect. Most aren't, actually. So many are filled with frustration and tears and all the messy stuff of life. But those that are, like this morning, so infused with beauty and light and crystal-clear joy... Ah. Those are the moments that stay with us. And that make our hearts ache with the wonder of it all.

Those are the moments that glow with the glory of Him who made each of us. Let me not forget it. And let me not lose sight of the fact that life is only lived fully if I can savor these precious moments...

Below are some links to Monday Reading! Enjoy, dear friends! (P.S. The links and books are all jumbled up, although I didn't link to any books I am currently reading, only one that I am thinking about reading!)

Fostering Strong Sibling Relationships: Simple Homeschool

Fun With Crayons: The Homeschool Classroom

Brussel Sprouts People Will Actually Enjoy Eating: Kitchen Stewardship (This one I gotta try!)

Crafting A Life Plan With Intentionality: I Take Joy (This article is AH-MAZING. I wanna be like her when I grow up!)

Crafting Rich Experiences For Our Children On A Frugal Budget: Simple Mom

When Opposites Attract In Marriage: Family Life

Real Food On A Real Budget: Keeper of the Home

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