So as part of our homeschooling adventures this year, we have incorporated a lot of creative writing exercises in the form of poetry writing. KayKay generally loves these exercises, although there has been some debate about what, exactly, poetry can BE. In her mind, ALL poems MUST rhyme (much like her Mama thought at that age :O), and heaven forbid that a poem be only one line, or worse, ONE WORD. It's been fun and interesting, to say the least.
One of her first poems was the one she sent to Opa for his birthday. Too cute.
Anyway, we've had a considerable number of poetry assignments, and I thought I'd share some of the more entertaining ones here. I've copied them word-for-word, incorrect spelling and grammar and all (YES, it makes me twitch... And laugh. And twitch some more. :O). Enjoy!
September 22nd, 2010, Untitled
I love fairys
because they are cool
but some are just a fool (Cosmo!)
they have little acorn hats
but they really, really hate cats
when they grow up,
they get a job
one thing more they get
is a corn on the cob house.
October 25th, 2010, Praise the Lord for Rain
Rain goes pit-pat-pit-pat
When it trickles down my hat
Rain sounds like the big blue sea
Which I would hate to have to flee.
Praise the Lord for the rain!
I love the sound of rain
Going down the window pane
rain sounds like small stones falling
which sometimes make me start bahlling (don't know why but it does)
Praise the Lord for rain!
October 26th, 2010, I am Sad
I am sad not glad
and I also feel mad
I feel terrible
and my misery is unbearable
I feel so so bad
I feel terrible today
and my happieness was washed away
I don't feel so sappy
and I hope I feel better snappy
Will today be a good day?
(This last poem was written after she and I had had a bit of a power struggle over the worthiness of one of her assignments... Can you tell? ;O)
Life, love, and the pursuit of cantaloupe... And other nonsense from me...
The Ladybug & The Inchworm...
Good Thursday, dear readers. The grey morning here has turned into a sunny and golden afternoon, yay! And although it looks as though Mother Winter has come for her visit early and unannounced (but not unexpected), she has happily withheld most of the wet misery thus far. Keep contented, Mother Winter! We're not ready for your sleet and rain yet...
Anyhoo... Back to the point of this post. So the Ladybug has picked up a habit fromher sister of eating her morning toast into a variety of shapes. Usually it's a boat, but sometimes their toast magically transforms into cats or dogs or mice or cars, or whatever strikes their fancy at the moment. Always with sound effects. Endless sound effects. Breakfast at our house is interesting, what can I say?
So last week, the Ladybug was eating her breakfast alone, for once, as she's awoken much later than normal, and KayKay and I had already eaten and the Daddy had left for work some minutes before. I'm in the kitchen doing the dishes or some such thing, when she announces that there is a worm on her plate. Of course, such an announcement warrants investigation, so I go over to look, and I find inchworm toast.
Apparently he was hungry.
After he'd had his fill, he started to wander off... I guess he wasn't as hungry as the caterpillar or the Ladybug wouldn't have had any dipping eggs left!
Unfortunately for him, he was unable to avoid capture. However he and his captor we both very cute and were willing to pose for a publicity photo. Aren't we lucky?
And so ends the story of the Ladybug and the Inchworm.
(Isn't this just so cute?!?! And he really did look like the little inchworms we find sometimes in the spring... Fun!)
Anyhoo... Back to the point of this post. So the Ladybug has picked up a habit fromher sister of eating her morning toast into a variety of shapes. Usually it's a boat, but sometimes their toast magically transforms into cats or dogs or mice or cars, or whatever strikes their fancy at the moment. Always with sound effects. Endless sound effects. Breakfast at our house is interesting, what can I say?
So last week, the Ladybug was eating her breakfast alone, for once, as she's awoken much later than normal, and KayKay and I had already eaten and the Daddy had left for work some minutes before. I'm in the kitchen doing the dishes or some such thing, when she announces that there is a worm on her plate. Of course, such an announcement warrants investigation, so I go over to look, and I find inchworm toast.
Apparently he was hungry.
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"Yummy! Tasty Eggs!" Thought the little inchworm. |
After he'd had his fill, he started to wander off... I guess he wasn't as hungry as the caterpillar or the Ladybug wouldn't have had any dipping eggs left!
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With his tummy full and warm, he's off to the next adventure! |
Unfortunately for him, he was unable to avoid capture. However he and his captor we both very cute and were willing to pose for a publicity photo. Aren't we lucky?
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He doesn't seem unhappy with this turn of events, however the Ladybug looks surprised... |
(Isn't this just so cute?!?! And he really did look like the little inchworms we find sometimes in the spring... Fun!)
Monday Reading...
It's that day again, Monday... I feel like singing the song by The Mamas & The Papas, "Monday, Monday..." Don't ask me why, it just feels like that kind of day. The sky outside is grey and rather foreboding, as though winter has suddenly thrust herself upon us like an unannounced guest who comes and stays for altogether too long. And seeing as it is not yet winter, I'd like her to hold off her visit for a little while longer, at least. Let me prepare, Mother Winter! We're not ready for you, yet!
Does anyone else envision winter as an old woman in long, patchy skirts with silver hair done up in a bun and a careworn face? Not the plump, slightly-mischievous visage of Mrs. Claus, but instead one with work-weathered hands, an old grey shawl, and piercing blue eyes, whose persona is a mystery and whose laughter unforgettable - who can forget those crystalline winter days of snow and dazzling blue?
Anyway, that's how I see her. But I am not quite ready for her... Give us a few more weeks of autumn's ripe days, please!
But today is a grey, winter-esque day, one perfect for filling with good reading and cozy blankets and hot tea.
I've had my tea, but I'm missing my cozy blanket (and it is rather cold in here, too!)... I should get one before I pass on my reading list, but I won't... So here 'tis! Enjoy, dear ones.
Does anyone else envision winter as an old woman in long, patchy skirts with silver hair done up in a bun and a careworn face? Not the plump, slightly-mischievous visage of Mrs. Claus, but instead one with work-weathered hands, an old grey shawl, and piercing blue eyes, whose persona is a mystery and whose laughter unforgettable - who can forget those crystalline winter days of snow and dazzling blue?
Anyway, that's how I see her. But I am not quite ready for her... Give us a few more weeks of autumn's ripe days, please!
But today is a grey, winter-esque day, one perfect for filling with good reading and cozy blankets and hot tea.
I've had my tea, but I'm missing my cozy blanket (and it is rather cold in here, too!)... I should get one before I pass on my reading list, but I won't... So here 'tis! Enjoy, dear ones.
I'm more than halfway through The Time Travelers, and it still has not disappointed. I am thoroughly engaged by the storyline and characters, enough, in fact, I would continue to read it simply for pleasure, rather than as a "pre-screening" for KayKay. I will certainly be purchasing the other two books in the series, as well. I look forward to seeing how it continues to unfold!
As for other reading, it's been mostly children's books of late. As if that's any surprise... But I'm rather glad of it, as I think my brain has been too overwhelmed by everything else going on to really appreciate anything that's supposed to be "adult." However, I am up for a good theological, political, or the current state of affairs discussion at anytime, so let me know! I need to keep my few functioning brain cells cognizant in some form or fashion. :O)
Anyway... Other books I've read or been reading:
Autumnblings, by Douglas Florian. A delightful collection of poems about fall. What's there NOT to like here??? AND... I've just discovered that there's one book for every season. They are Winter Eyes, Summersaults, and Handsprings. Love!!
Esther's Story, by Diane Wolkstein... Love, love, love the illustrations in this book. Love the way the story of Esther is retold. It is so down-to-earth... So real. Just plain good!
Mozart Finds A Melody, by Stephen Costanza. Found this book at a dear friend's house, the lovely Miss Christy of The Abundant Life. Love her, love this book! :O)
Lasagna Gardening, by Patricia Lanza... Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, fabulous Miss Olivia for lending this to me, what a great book! (As ALL the books you've lent me are! I so love sharing good books with good friends... Ah!) Anyway, I have my "lasagna stew" going in some containers already, preparing for spring. Here's to composting and layering and gardening! I hope my brown thumb turns green over the winter.
I Didn't Do It: Getting Through Today - My sweet friend Sabrina's blog about her babies and being a parent to a darling, gorgeous, amazing special needs child.
Gifting And Giving: Gathering Spriggs - My wonderful friend Heather brings such great perspective to the upcoming season of giving...
In doing some research for a project, I ran across this poem by Richard Chess in a post titled Chocolate Labs For The Lord on The Arty Semite. Goodness, I love this poem. It is so funny and provocative and haunting. Beautiful.
In Honer Our Hero's: Cake Wrecks - Just because it's always good for a laugh.
Don't Follow Your Dream: National Post - I was clued into this article by a Facebook friend, and WOW. It really makes you think!
And lastly, this is a video, which is unusual for me, because I don't often watch videos online, and NEVER post them, but my friend Miss Julie (of yesterday's Pow-Wow chronicles) posted this earlier today, and it was so powerful I had to share. Changing Education Paradigms by RSA Animate. Ah. Maz. Ing. Seriously. This is one of the most provocative and enlightening videos I've seen on the educational system, and I'm still thinking about it, several hours later. I'm certain I'll be thinking about it in several days. As Miss Julie said, "This is one of the reasons why we're homeschooling." Yes. What is highlighted in this video as being wrong with our educational system today is one of the many reasons why we are homeschooling... Watch, and tell me it doesn't make you think!
Indians And Fry Bread And Good Friends, OH MY!
So this being me, I am going to write my Happy-October post NOW. The Halloween post is next... I mean, it's only mid-November, so we're good, right?
And ya'll that read this and know me know that it's been a bit crazy around here anyway... What with my budding business venture and all. (And yes, I did just use the word "ya'll" in a sentence. AHHHHHH, Nashville must be getting to me! :O)
Anyway, so we went to the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee's (NAIA) annual Pow-Wow this year, which was awesome. It was in mid-October, and was a lot of fun. I had never been before, but I'm so glad we went! It was a GREAT experience for the girls, and we had a lot of fun. We rode with some old friends and made some new friends, and just had a good day.
Going to this really brought back some memories for me, as I used to live in western Colorado, and while I was there I discovered that my step-Mom's family was one of the first to connect with the Navajo Indians in the early 1800's. Her great, great grandmother, Louisa Wetherill was the first woman to speak the Navajo language and preserve the Navajo culture, and as a young teen I had a strong interest in learning all I could about their family and the Navajos. I had not thought much about it for some time, but being at the Pow-Wow reawakened that interest. I can't wait to pass on what I have learned to the girls, although I think they'll need to be a little older to really appreciate all the history that is there.
I wish we could have gone back for the Grand Ceremony with the drummers, but it didn't work out that way. Maybe next year!
We got to spend the day with the Butterfly and her sweet Mama, Miss Julie of When She Was Five. The Ladybug and the Butterfly are pretty close in age and all three of the girls love to see each other, so it was an adventure for them!
Seeing the dreamcatchers led to a really great discussion about dreams and their symbolism and importance in Native American culture and in ours. Great homeschool moment! Yay!
The Ladybug and the Butterfly tried hard, but KayKay was the only one who actually hit the target with the blow gun. Should I be afraid? Hmmmm... But it was really neat that they let the kids try it. The demonstration this gentleman gave was fantastic, as well. We learned a lot about different kinds of dart guns and what they were used for, and MAN could those darts go far!
After the dart gun demonstration, a young boy of the Crow (I think they said Crow, but don't quote me!) tribe who composes and plays the most beautiful flute music. He was AWESOME. He played for about 45 minutes, and we all LOVED it. His music was really unique and uplifting. The girls, of course, all decided that it was a good time to practice their dancing, and that was equally as entertaining to watch.
After we finished listening to the wonderful flute music, we wandered around to a few of the tents where they had some very interesting wares set out for sale. Some of the artists were less than accommodating, but one lady in particular was VERY kind and had a fascinating way of painting the beautiful clay pots that she hand makes. She was of the Acoma Tribe of Sky City, New Mexico. Her painting is AH-MAZING, and is done using the traditional methods that their tribe has used for nearly a thousand years. There was so much symbolism in her artistry, and we spent a good while talking to her and her husband about her art and their culture. It was a really great learning experience, although I admit that I was more taken with it than the girls, but that rather surprised me, as KayKay has been wanting to learn about pottery and pottery painting for some time now. And of course, the Ladybug was only interested in trying to wreak havoc. :O) But it was still neat.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any good images of her (really GORGEOUS) pottery, Ugh. You can see an edge of one of the pieces in the first photo, but I wish that I had been able to get some good ones of her work.
And of course, there was fry bread for lunch. Yummmmmmy!!! It was so good. Not quite as good as the homemade fry bread I had made by my step-Mom's family (learned straight from the Navajos, of course!) in Arizona some years ago, but still SO GOOD.
At the end of the afternoon, we were able to get an encore performance by the young flute player. He was so sweet, and SO talented.
It was a GOOD day. :O) I'll end with a silly picture of the three little Indians all together. We had fun! Thanks Miss Julie, for inviting us!
And ya'll that read this and know me know that it's been a bit crazy around here anyway... What with my budding business venture and all. (And yes, I did just use the word "ya'll" in a sentence. AHHHHHH, Nashville must be getting to me! :O)
Anyway, so we went to the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee's (NAIA) annual Pow-Wow this year, which was awesome. It was in mid-October, and was a lot of fun. I had never been before, but I'm so glad we went! It was a GREAT experience for the girls, and we had a lot of fun. We rode with some old friends and made some new friends, and just had a good day.
Going to this really brought back some memories for me, as I used to live in western Colorado, and while I was there I discovered that my step-Mom's family was one of the first to connect with the Navajo Indians in the early 1800's. Her great, great grandmother, Louisa Wetherill was the first woman to speak the Navajo language and preserve the Navajo culture, and as a young teen I had a strong interest in learning all I could about their family and the Navajos. I had not thought much about it for some time, but being at the Pow-Wow reawakened that interest. I can't wait to pass on what I have learned to the girls, although I think they'll need to be a little older to really appreciate all the history that is there.
I wish we could have gone back for the Grand Ceremony with the drummers, but it didn't work out that way. Maybe next year!
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The decorated entrance to the teepee. |
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Inside one of the teepees. |
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Practicing being little Indians... As IF they needed to practice! |
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The Ladybug in action. Love that expression. |
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Dreamcatchers. |
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Practicing with the dart gun. |
After the dart gun demonstration, a young boy of the Crow (I think they said Crow, but don't quote me!) tribe who composes and plays the most beautiful flute music. He was AWESOME. He played for about 45 minutes, and we all LOVED it. His music was really unique and uplifting. The girls, of course, all decided that it was a good time to practice their dancing, and that was equally as entertaining to watch.
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KayKay doing her "Indian Dance." |
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The Ladybug dancing to some wonderful flute music. |
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All three girls had a blast dancing together. |
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Painting supplies. |
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Here she is using a rock to grind out the paint. The brush is made of the stems of the yucca plant, and the paint is made from a specific rock that is very finely ground and then mixed with water. |
And of course, there was fry bread for lunch. Yummmmmmy!!! It was so good. Not quite as good as the homemade fry bread I had made by my step-Mom's family (learned straight from the Navajos, of course!) in Arizona some years ago, but still SO GOOD.
At the end of the afternoon, we were able to get an encore performance by the young flute player. He was so sweet, and SO talented.
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Getting ready to start. |
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KayKay dancing to his music. So fun! |
Monday Reading
It's Monday.
I've got laundry going, dishes going, chicken soup cooking, muffins making, I'm working on a project for my mentor in Florida, and editing photos.
Multitasking at it's best.
Wow. I'm impressed with myself. And not that I would tell you what to do or anything, but you should be, too.
The rest of the house looks like the aftermath of a nuclear bomb test site, but you know how it goes. Superwoman I am not. And generally when I try to juggle too many balls at once for too long, I end up dropping something. Let's hope it's not any of the dishes when I empty the dishwasher.
It's Monday. The day of the week where I've started posting my "weekly" (although some of these I've been reading for more than a week!) reading list. So, here goes. Enjoy! :O)
The Cricket in Times Square (This is a delightful book children's I recently picked up at a local thrift store for 25 cents. What a treasure! I'm only about 1/2 through it (as I always have about thirty-two books going at once), but I love it! I can't wait to find out what happens to Chester Cricket and his friends.)
The Time Travelers, Book One of The Gideon Trilogy (I also recently picked this up on super sale, and am also thoroughly enjoying it. It is surprisingly well-written for juvenile fiction (I'm only three or four chapters in), but not pretentious or overbearing in style. If it turns out to be as good a book as I think it is, this may be next on KayKay's shelf... Although she also has a large stack of books in the "To Be Read" pile. I'm starting her early, what can I say?)
I also recently finished The Mysterious Benedict Society, and while I really wanted to love it, I just couldn't. This one will be passed on to others who will appreciate it more, I think. It was good, but there were too many unknowns in the story, and some of it was just implausible, or rather - implausibly put-together is a more apt description. I think there are some good morals to the story, although I'm not certain that children would pick up on those as it is the most unlikeable character in the story who is the hero in the end. That was the one thing I had the most trouble with, actually. She did become slightly more likeable as the book went on, but not enough to ever really make me feel comfortable that she was the one who saved the day. However, all that having been said, I may well end up reading the next two books, too. I simply haven't decided if this is one that my girls will read (as children) yet or not.
Farm City (This was a surprisingly funny, insightful and simply good memoir by Novella Carpenter. I picked it up on a whim for 25 cents as well - brand new - and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I don't agree with all of her philosophies, necessarily, but it furthered my growing interest in knowing the source of my food, and has really caused me to consider some attitudes I had toward food... A post about this will be forthcoming! :O)
I've got laundry going, dishes going, chicken soup cooking, muffins making, I'm working on a project for my mentor in Florida, and editing photos.
Multitasking at it's best.
Wow. I'm impressed with myself. And not that I would tell you what to do or anything, but you should be, too.
The rest of the house looks like the aftermath of a nuclear bomb test site, but you know how it goes. Superwoman I am not. And generally when I try to juggle too many balls at once for too long, I end up dropping something. Let's hope it's not any of the dishes when I empty the dishwasher.
It's Monday. The day of the week where I've started posting my "weekly" (although some of these I've been reading for more than a week!) reading list. So, here goes. Enjoy! :O)
The Cricket in Times Square (This is a delightful book children's I recently picked up at a local thrift store for 25 cents. What a treasure! I'm only about 1/2 through it (as I always have about thirty-two books going at once), but I love it! I can't wait to find out what happens to Chester Cricket and his friends.)
The Time Travelers, Book One of The Gideon Trilogy (I also recently picked this up on super sale, and am also thoroughly enjoying it. It is surprisingly well-written for juvenile fiction (I'm only three or four chapters in), but not pretentious or overbearing in style. If it turns out to be as good a book as I think it is, this may be next on KayKay's shelf... Although she also has a large stack of books in the "To Be Read" pile. I'm starting her early, what can I say?)
I also recently finished The Mysterious Benedict Society, and while I really wanted to love it, I just couldn't. This one will be passed on to others who will appreciate it more, I think. It was good, but there were too many unknowns in the story, and some of it was just implausible, or rather - implausibly put-together is a more apt description. I think there are some good morals to the story, although I'm not certain that children would pick up on those as it is the most unlikeable character in the story who is the hero in the end. That was the one thing I had the most trouble with, actually. She did become slightly more likeable as the book went on, but not enough to ever really make me feel comfortable that she was the one who saved the day. However, all that having been said, I may well end up reading the next two books, too. I simply haven't decided if this is one that my girls will read (as children) yet or not.
Farm City (This was a surprisingly funny, insightful and simply good memoir by Novella Carpenter. I picked it up on a whim for 25 cents as well - brand new - and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I don't agree with all of her philosophies, necessarily, but it furthered my growing interest in knowing the source of my food, and has really caused me to consider some attitudes I had toward food... A post about this will be forthcoming! :O)
What You Can Do: Rage Against the Minivan - This is a post about the global orphan crisis that a friend alerted me to through Facebook... Just wow.
Tips For Sharing: Cheaper By The Half Dozen
Healthy Homeschoolers: The Homeschool Classroom
Whole Foods For The Holidays: Naturally Knocked Up - No matter what, you gotta love the name of this blog. I didn't even look at the title while I was reading the article... And now I look, and it's a fertility blog. Those of you who know me will know all the reasons why that kind of blog is the LAST place I'd normally go. However... It is a good article, with some great links to great food. :O)
Healthy Homeschoolers: The Homeschool Classroom
Whole Foods For The Holidays: Naturally Knocked Up - No matter what, you gotta love the name of this blog. I didn't even look at the title while I was reading the article... And now I look, and it's a fertility blog. Those of you who know me will know all the reasons why that kind of blog is the LAST place I'd normally go. However... It is a good article, with some great links to great food. :O)
Happy Monday, happy reading!
Oh, Soup Divine!
So as you, my few faithful readers know, I am a lover of good food. And trying new recipes.
And although the Daddy would probably argue this to the death, I actually do LIKE to cook. And bake. And mix. And make. It's fun, and there's generally always a surprise in there somewhere. This is ME we're talking about.
So I like to cook. Just not all the time. And not anything that requires 42 steps to make. The less effort, the better. Easy is good. REALLY good.
The only exception to this rule is Thanksgiving dinner, and that only comes around once a year, so I can handle that.
But food and cooking are truly important to me. Some of the only blogs I follow with any regularity are food blogs. Much of the reading I do online has to do with recipes and ingredients. Something I always say: "Life is too short not to enjoy the food you love." And this is one of the core beliefs that I have about meals and sustenance. This belief, for better or worse, has also shaped a lot of the approach I have toward being a diabetic. (Surprise! I have the Big D. No, I don't talk about it much. Other than to my closest friends and family, who are probably sick of hearing about it. But yeah. That's a post for another time.)
So. Food. Tasty and easy. And healthy. Healthy is good, too. Which is a challenge at times, because I want to feed my family the best, most nutritious foods possible while at the same time ensuring that none of it tastes like dirt. Or charcoal. Or beans porridge in a pot, nine days old.
ANYWAY. Now that I've written my way halfway to China, let me tell you what this post is about.
You may have guessed already. Soup.
As the title implies.
But not just ANY soup. One of the more divine and inspired soups I've ever had the pleasure of consuming. Or inhaling, depending.
This soup is wow and wonderful. It makes your taste buds sing and cry with delight. I made it two days ago, and I already want more.
I found the recipe for this soup through a meandering series of happy accidents that led me back to one of my more favorite cooking blogs, Orangette. I discovered Molly's blog a couple of years ago and along with this fabulous recipe for the most amazing Banana Cake with Coconut-Cream Cheese Frosting that you will ever taste. To which I ALWAYS add more rum. LOTS MORE RUM.
But I digress.
So I find the recipe for this soup. Red lentil soup. Never heard of red lentils, but whatever. And it immediately appeals. The weather has gotten cooler, and we are in full-fledged autumn that is strongly hinting at a cold winter to come. It is soup season. And I LOVE to make soup, anyway. It's one of my favorite things to make. Because it's easy. And ever-so-tasty.
But of course, being me, I couldn't make it EXACTLY like it was written. As my dear friend Heather of Gathering Spriggs says, "I like to think of recipes as loose guidelines to my creations."
So I took the recipe and tweaked it. And it is unbelievable. And I immediately wanted to share. So here you go! The link to the original soup is above, but here I will outline the way *I* make it. It's not hugely different, but there are a couple of things that I do that I think really make it stand out.
Red Lentil Soup with Lemon
Adapted from the recipe posted on Orangette, which was apparently adapted slightly from In the Kitchen with a Good Appetite, by Melissa Clark. We like to adapt.
4 Tbsp. olive oil, plus additional good oil for drizzling
2 Tbsp. butter
1 1/2 - 2 large yellow onions, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced or pressed (I used 2 tbsp. pre-minced garlic in olive oil)
1 Tsp. garlic powder
3 - 4 Tbsp. spaghetti sauce
2 Tsp. ground cumin
1 Tsp. kosher salt, or more to taste
1 Tsp. black pepper
1/2 Tsp. cayenne pepper, or more to taste
2 Quarts chicken or vegetable broth
2 Cups red lentils, picked through for stones and debris
2 Large carrots, peeled and diced
3 Stalks celery, chopped
Juice of 1 lemon, or more to taste
2 Tbsp. fresh pesto
2 Tbsp. - 1/4 Cup of heavy cream
Cilantro (This is optional for my version - I didn't have any, so I haven't used it, but I'll bet it would be fabulous!)
In a large pot, warm the oil and butter over medium-high heat until hot. Add the onions and garlic and cook until golden. Add in the chopped carrots and celery. Stir in the spices; cumin, salt, pepper, and cayenne, and cook a few minutes longer. Add the broth, 2 - 4 cups of water and bring to a gentle boil. Then add the lentils. Bring to a simmer, then reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Continue to cook until the lentils are soft. Add in the tomato sauce, pesto and heavy cream. Then add the lemon juice. Taste, and add more salt if necessary. Using an immersion or regular blender, puree the soup. It should still be smooth, but not completely smooth. Reheat if necessary, then stir in some cilantro, if desired. Serve the soup with a good crusty bread and a little dollop of sour cream, if desired, and dusted very lightly with cayenne.
Enjoy, and tell me it's not a culinary experience of epic proportions. I dare you.
Oh November, I love your cold, blustery winds... If only because I can bundle up inside and cradle a warm bowl of red lentil soup between my hands.
OH. Soup divine!
And although the Daddy would probably argue this to the death, I actually do LIKE to cook. And bake. And mix. And make. It's fun, and there's generally always a surprise in there somewhere. This is ME we're talking about.
So I like to cook. Just not all the time. And not anything that requires 42 steps to make. The less effort, the better. Easy is good. REALLY good.
The only exception to this rule is Thanksgiving dinner, and that only comes around once a year, so I can handle that.
But food and cooking are truly important to me. Some of the only blogs I follow with any regularity are food blogs. Much of the reading I do online has to do with recipes and ingredients. Something I always say: "Life is too short not to enjoy the food you love." And this is one of the core beliefs that I have about meals and sustenance. This belief, for better or worse, has also shaped a lot of the approach I have toward being a diabetic. (Surprise! I have the Big D. No, I don't talk about it much. Other than to my closest friends and family, who are probably sick of hearing about it. But yeah. That's a post for another time.)
So. Food. Tasty and easy. And healthy. Healthy is good, too. Which is a challenge at times, because I want to feed my family the best, most nutritious foods possible while at the same time ensuring that none of it tastes like dirt. Or charcoal. Or beans porridge in a pot, nine days old.
ANYWAY. Now that I've written my way halfway to China, let me tell you what this post is about.
You may have guessed already. Soup.
As the title implies.
But not just ANY soup. One of the more divine and inspired soups I've ever had the pleasure of consuming. Or inhaling, depending.
This soup is wow and wonderful. It makes your taste buds sing and cry with delight. I made it two days ago, and I already want more.
I found the recipe for this soup through a meandering series of happy accidents that led me back to one of my more favorite cooking blogs, Orangette. I discovered Molly's blog a couple of years ago and along with this fabulous recipe for the most amazing Banana Cake with Coconut-Cream Cheese Frosting that you will ever taste. To which I ALWAYS add more rum. LOTS MORE RUM.
But I digress.
So I find the recipe for this soup. Red lentil soup. Never heard of red lentils, but whatever. And it immediately appeals. The weather has gotten cooler, and we are in full-fledged autumn that is strongly hinting at a cold winter to come. It is soup season. And I LOVE to make soup, anyway. It's one of my favorite things to make. Because it's easy. And ever-so-tasty.
But of course, being me, I couldn't make it EXACTLY like it was written. As my dear friend Heather of Gathering Spriggs says, "I like to think of recipes as loose guidelines to my creations."
So I took the recipe and tweaked it. And it is unbelievable. And I immediately wanted to share. So here you go! The link to the original soup is above, but here I will outline the way *I* make it. It's not hugely different, but there are a couple of things that I do that I think really make it stand out.
Red Lentil Soup with Lemon
Adapted from the recipe posted on Orangette, which was apparently adapted slightly from In the Kitchen with a Good Appetite, by Melissa Clark. We like to adapt.
4 Tbsp. olive oil, plus additional good oil for drizzling
2 Tbsp. butter
1 1/2 - 2 large yellow onions, chopped
4 garlic cloves, minced or pressed (I used 2 tbsp. pre-minced garlic in olive oil)
1 Tsp. garlic powder
3 - 4 Tbsp. spaghetti sauce
2 Tsp. ground cumin
1 Tsp. kosher salt, or more to taste
1 Tsp. black pepper
1/2 Tsp. cayenne pepper, or more to taste
2 Quarts chicken or vegetable broth
2 Cups red lentils, picked through for stones and debris
2 Large carrots, peeled and diced
3 Stalks celery, chopped
Juice of 1 lemon, or more to taste
2 Tbsp. fresh pesto
2 Tbsp. - 1/4 Cup of heavy cream
Cilantro (This is optional for my version - I didn't have any, so I haven't used it, but I'll bet it would be fabulous!)
In a large pot, warm the oil and butter over medium-high heat until hot. Add the onions and garlic and cook until golden. Add in the chopped carrots and celery. Stir in the spices; cumin, salt, pepper, and cayenne, and cook a few minutes longer. Add the broth, 2 - 4 cups of water and bring to a gentle boil. Then add the lentils. Bring to a simmer, then reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Continue to cook until the lentils are soft. Add in the tomato sauce, pesto and heavy cream. Then add the lemon juice. Taste, and add more salt if necessary. Using an immersion or regular blender, puree the soup. It should still be smooth, but not completely smooth. Reheat if necessary, then stir in some cilantro, if desired. Serve the soup with a good crusty bread and a little dollop of sour cream, if desired, and dusted very lightly with cayenne.
Enjoy, and tell me it's not a culinary experience of epic proportions. I dare you.
Oh November, I love your cold, blustery winds... If only because I can bundle up inside and cradle a warm bowl of red lentil soup between my hands.
OH. Soup divine!
When All You Want To Do Is Hide In The Closet And Eat Brownies...
One of my daughters is lying on the floor under the dining room table crying hysterically because I want her to take her sneakers off.
She's been crying about her inability to tie the laces on them PERFECTLY for 35 minutes now. She only learned how to tie them yesterday.
And the other one is crying because she just (very minorly) burned her finger on the stove while stirring the soup we're having for dinner.
And now the one under the table just hit her head. More crying. This time with hysterics.
*Sigh* I'll be back...
...Okay, I'm back. Crisis resolved.
The Daddy FINALLY came home, and everything is better when the Daddy is home. Plus forty-five minutes of snuggling and whining while attached to Mommy's hip so she can't even PEE ALONE always helps.
The Ladybug has "clothes issues." And by "clothes issues," I mean CLOTHES ISSUES. Two months ago there was, and I am *NOT* exaggerating here, an HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES of crying over socks. And not just crying. Lying on the floor, dragging herself up the stairs by her fingertips crying because they were "Not the wight socks. I don't wike dese socks, I want DIFFWENT SOCKS."
Look, generally I don't care what kind of socks she wears. But that particular day THERE WERE NO OTHER SOCKS.
Laundry is not my friend, okay? In fact, I'd wager a safe bet that it is my foe. I actually think that it has tried to assassinate me in my sleep a few times. "The socks... They're EVERYWHERE!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
I'm just glad we didn't have anywhere to be that day. Or else that would have been a particularly miserable car ride.
So yeah. It's just kinda been one of those days. Not miserable, certainly. Definitely not REALLY BAD. Not even "just" bad, although it kinda went past "just" bad after forty minutes of KayKay moaning and mooing (yes, I DID write "mooing," because that's exactly what it sounds like!) and griping and crying because she managed to earn herself a nap tomorrow through multiple hours of whining earlier in the day. *Sigh* Yeah.
It's been one of those kinda days where, seriously, all I want to do is hide in the closet and eat the organic-yet-horribly-bad-for-me-and-OH-how-I-love-them brownies that are beckoning me. They're calling my name from the kitchen. Can you hear them??? I do.
And I don't want to share. And I don't want to HEAR anything but the happy sounds of chocolate being stuffed into my mouth. Nothing else. Most especially NOT the sound of my little girl crying because her shoelaces are not PERFECT. Or any kind of whining. EVER.
If I never heard the sound of a whiny child again, it would NOT BE TOO SOON.
Okay. I'm fine. The kids are in bed, PRAISE BE TO GOD WHO LOVES ME, and I kid not, the chocolate in the kitchen is calling my name. I'm outta here.
PS - I tagged this under "Blessings," because, you know... I love them so desperately. And they are my little blessings. Even when I want to hang them up by their toenails and not let them out of their room for a week.
She's been crying about her inability to tie the laces on them PERFECTLY for 35 minutes now. She only learned how to tie them yesterday.
And the other one is crying because she just (very minorly) burned her finger on the stove while stirring the soup we're having for dinner.
And now the one under the table just hit her head. More crying. This time with hysterics.
*Sigh* I'll be back...
The Daddy FINALLY came home, and everything is better when the Daddy is home. Plus forty-five minutes of snuggling and whining while attached to Mommy's hip so she can't even PEE ALONE always helps.
The Ladybug has "clothes issues." And by "clothes issues," I mean CLOTHES ISSUES. Two months ago there was, and I am *NOT* exaggerating here, an HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES of crying over socks. And not just crying. Lying on the floor, dragging herself up the stairs by her fingertips crying because they were "Not the wight socks. I don't wike dese socks, I want DIFFWENT SOCKS."
Look, generally I don't care what kind of socks she wears. But that particular day THERE WERE NO OTHER SOCKS.
Laundry is not my friend, okay? In fact, I'd wager a safe bet that it is my foe. I actually think that it has tried to assassinate me in my sleep a few times. "The socks... They're EVERYWHERE!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
I'm just glad we didn't have anywhere to be that day. Or else that would have been a particularly miserable car ride.
So yeah. It's just kinda been one of those days. Not miserable, certainly. Definitely not REALLY BAD. Not even "just" bad, although it kinda went past "just" bad after forty minutes of KayKay moaning and mooing (yes, I DID write "mooing," because that's exactly what it sounds like!) and griping and crying because she managed to earn herself a nap tomorrow through multiple hours of whining earlier in the day. *Sigh* Yeah.
It's been one of those kinda days where, seriously, all I want to do is hide in the closet and eat the organic-yet-horribly-bad-for-me-and-OH-how-I-love-them brownies that are beckoning me. They're calling my name from the kitchen. Can you hear them??? I do.
And I don't want to share. And I don't want to HEAR anything but the happy sounds of chocolate being stuffed into my mouth. Nothing else. Most especially NOT the sound of my little girl crying because her shoelaces are not PERFECT. Or any kind of whining. EVER.
If I never heard the sound of a whiny child again, it would NOT BE TOO SOON.
Okay. I'm fine. The kids are in bed, PRAISE BE TO GOD WHO LOVES ME, and I kid not, the chocolate in the kitchen is calling my name. I'm outta here.
PS - I tagged this under "Blessings," because, you know... I love them so desperately. And they are my little blessings. Even when I want to hang them up by their toenails and not let them out of their room for a week.
Moments... And Monday Reading
Good November morning!
Well, seeing as I starting about 32 different posts this week, but didn't actually FINISH any of them, let alone get around actually posting them, I thought I'd go ahead and make it my Monday goal to finish AND post this one.
Today is All Saints' Day (about which I am learning, and incorporating into our homeschooling stuff today), and as yesterday was All Hallow's Eve, our weekend was full.
We enjoyed a potluck and bonfire at some dear friends' out in the country (Miss Olivia, we love you!), played games and had a sleepover, went on the ultimate trick-or-treating adventure in a WONDERFUL neighborhood (There was FREE. HOT. RUM-SPIKED. CIDER. for the parents... Just... WOW. That is all. :O), and ended the weekend (and our evening) with some time at our neighbor's WONDERFUL Halloween party.
It was a good weekend.
Today, this Monday, this first day of the month of November, is a day about moments. And since it's not only being the first day of the week in our modern society, but also the first day of the month, I think that's fitting.
The girls and I took a long walk this morning. It was a perfect morning for it. Blue skies, the air glittering with the crisp ripeness of autumn, and flaming leaves crunching under our feet as we walked. And as we walked, I watched the girls run and play with each other and REALLY CONNECT. KayKay let her sister win nearly every race, and the Ladybug was only too happy to jump and fly and fall into KayKay's waiting arms. They laughed and giggled, and when KayKay found "the last dandelion of the season," she most generously gave it to the Ladybug to make a wish. It was beautiful.
Watching them, I was in love. Enthralled. Entranced.
It was a walk filled with beautiful moments.
THIS is why I always wanted to be a Mommy. THIS is why we are choosing to homeschool. Moments like this morning, bursting with beauty and joy, closeness and connectedness, imagination and beauty. I am so blessed. And so grateful to be able to take this journey of homeschooling with my sweet girls.
No, not every moment is perfect. Most aren't, actually. So many are filled with frustration and tears and all the messy stuff of life. But those that are, like this morning, so infused with beauty and light and crystal-clear joy... Ah. Those are the moments that stay with us. And that make our hearts ache with the wonder of it all.
Those are the moments that glow with the glory of Him who made each of us. Let me not forget it. And let me not lose sight of the fact that life is only lived fully if I can savor these precious moments...
Below are some links to Monday Reading! Enjoy, dear friends! (P.S. The links and books are all jumbled up, although I didn't link to any books I am currently reading, only one that I am thinking about reading!)
Fostering Strong Sibling Relationships: Simple Homeschool
Fun With Crayons: The Homeschool Classroom
Brussel Sprouts People Will Actually Enjoy Eating: Kitchen Stewardship (This one I gotta try!)
Crafting A Life Plan With Intentionality: I Take Joy (This article is AH-MAZING. I wanna be like her when I grow up!)
Crafting Rich Experiences For Our Children On A Frugal Budget: Simple Mom
When Opposites Attract In Marriage: Family Life
Real Food On A Real Budget: Keeper of the Home
Well, seeing as I starting about 32 different posts this week, but didn't actually FINISH any of them, let alone get around actually posting them, I thought I'd go ahead and make it my Monday goal to finish AND post this one.
Today is All Saints' Day (about which I am learning, and incorporating into our homeschooling stuff today), and as yesterday was All Hallow's Eve, our weekend was full.
We enjoyed a potluck and bonfire at some dear friends' out in the country (Miss Olivia, we love you!), played games and had a sleepover, went on the ultimate trick-or-treating adventure in a WONDERFUL neighborhood (There was FREE. HOT. RUM-SPIKED. CIDER. for the parents... Just... WOW. That is all. :O), and ended the weekend (and our evening) with some time at our neighbor's WONDERFUL Halloween party.
It was a good weekend.
Today, this Monday, this first day of the month of November, is a day about moments. And since it's not only being the first day of the week in our modern society, but also the first day of the month, I think that's fitting.
The girls and I took a long walk this morning. It was a perfect morning for it. Blue skies, the air glittering with the crisp ripeness of autumn, and flaming leaves crunching under our feet as we walked. And as we walked, I watched the girls run and play with each other and REALLY CONNECT. KayKay let her sister win nearly every race, and the Ladybug was only too happy to jump and fly and fall into KayKay's waiting arms. They laughed and giggled, and when KayKay found "the last dandelion of the season," she most generously gave it to the Ladybug to make a wish. It was beautiful.
Watching them, I was in love. Enthralled. Entranced.
It was a walk filled with beautiful moments.
THIS is why I always wanted to be a Mommy. THIS is why we are choosing to homeschool. Moments like this morning, bursting with beauty and joy, closeness and connectedness, imagination and beauty. I am so blessed. And so grateful to be able to take this journey of homeschooling with my sweet girls.
No, not every moment is perfect. Most aren't, actually. So many are filled with frustration and tears and all the messy stuff of life. But those that are, like this morning, so infused with beauty and light and crystal-clear joy... Ah. Those are the moments that stay with us. And that make our hearts ache with the wonder of it all.
Those are the moments that glow with the glory of Him who made each of us. Let me not forget it. And let me not lose sight of the fact that life is only lived fully if I can savor these precious moments...
Below are some links to Monday Reading! Enjoy, dear friends! (P.S. The links and books are all jumbled up, although I didn't link to any books I am currently reading, only one that I am thinking about reading!)
Fostering Strong Sibling Relationships: Simple Homeschool
Fun With Crayons: The Homeschool Classroom
Brussel Sprouts People Will Actually Enjoy Eating: Kitchen Stewardship (This one I gotta try!)
Crafting A Life Plan With Intentionality: I Take Joy (This article is AH-MAZING. I wanna be like her when I grow up!)
Crafting Rich Experiences For Our Children On A Frugal Budget: Simple Mom
When Opposites Attract In Marriage: Family Life
Real Food On A Real Budget: Keeper of the Home
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