Anyway. As I actually took the time to write all this stuff out, and because I think my answers are a good representation of so many parts of my life, I thought I'd share. If you've read this already, read it again (kidding). Actually, if you've read this already, I apologize. If you haven't, have fun! And if you have a blog and any desire, post your answers as well, I'd love to read them!
Finishing Sentences...
1. My ex is... ex is for existentialism and all of its lovely implications...
2. I should learn to... sew in a straight line. And maybe learn to sew curves, too. Or just learn to sew.
3. I love... anything filled with beauty and color... The smell of my little girls' skin and warm coffee in the morning and fog on the hilltops and the flames of autumn's trees and watercolor paints and soft-petaled tulips and the familiar taste of my lover's kiss.
4. People would say that I am... the (mostly) eternal optimist.
5. I don't understand... physics. Why change is so hard. How pharmaceutical and insurance companies can get away with what they charge and what they do. The mind of God. Why some questions just go unanswered. The American Justice (or lack thereof) System. And how, in this great country, it is still possible for a child to go without basic medical care and enough food. My three-year-old's mind. Why some people would choose to go their whole lives without watching "The Princess Bride." Stupid rules. People who abuse their power. Why more people aren't nominated for the Darwin Awards. Extremists, of any type. Why we don't allow the victims of child molesters to exact their own brand of justice on the scum. How great and wide and wonderful the world and its creation is... Lots of other things.
6. When I wake up in the morning... I drag myself downstairs and toward the nearest coffee.
7. I lost... my first car. It was stolen and stripped for parts. Poor car.
8. Life is... a daily adventure involving altogether too much yelling and not enough dancing.
9. My past taught me... never say never!
10. I get annoyed when... I have to spend hours arguing with insurance/medical/bank/cel
11. Parties... should be far more overdone and grand (and frequent) than they are now. Where are the days of the complex dances and where every detail was gorgeously over-planned? (Of course, the days of having several household servants would sort of need to go along with that :O)
12. I wish... that we could fly up to the clouds and I could take my girls and plop down on one of them and eat them like whipped cream with silver spoons.
13. Dogs and cats... like to eat chickens.
14. My childhood pets... were a strange collection of dogs with wonderfully odd personality quirks...
15. Tomorrow is... a day full of all the potential that today has already lost.
16. I have a low tolerance for... idiocy, in all its forms.
17. If I had a million dollars... I'd buy your looo-oooo-ooove! Actually, since that's silly and completely irrational, I'd buy a lovely house with a couple acres, a nice car, have someone to *always* do the dishes for me, own a horse, a few chickens, and maybe a goat or two... And I'd put some away for a rainy day, but not until I got my Dad the Rolex and Corvette he's always wanted, my Mom some great jewelry, and take the *whole* family on a month-long vacation to somewhere completely fabulous, like renting out a private chalet in Austria or something, or maybe a castle in Spain... Oh... AND... I'd replace all the stuff (except better) that those thieving bastards stole from us last year. :O)
18. I'm terrified of... living until I'm so old and feeble that everyone I know is dead and knowing that I have to watch the years pass alone until my own time comes. Either that or as Julie said, outliving my children (which is sort of part of that first thing).
19. I've come to realize... nothing is certain, but hope is eternal.
20. I am listening to... you *really* don't want to know. It's cheesy and I don't even want to admit that I am partially listening to it.
21. I talk... altogether too much.
22. My good friends... know that they are loved and love me in return!
23. My first kiss... was rather uninspiring - in a subway station just before the train left... My first French kiss was horrible and not worth remembering!
24. Love is... hard and complex and beautiful and tender and consuming and silly and laughter through the tears.
25. Marriage is... wanting to kill someone in their sleep and hide their body, but knowing that you couldn't live without them if you did.
26. Somewhere, someone is thinking... WHY did I just do THAT?!?!
27. I'll always be... my own worst critic.
28. The last time I really cried was... when I found out that my Mom had a stroke and I was afraid that she might die before I had a chance to see her again.
29. My cell phone is... weird. I have a love/hate relationship with my cell phone, for a variety of reasons.
30. Before I go to bed... I WILL finish this note!
31. My middle name... is Michelle with TWO L's.
32. Right now, I am thinking... that tomorrow morning will come much too quickly for my taste... Especially since the last two mornings I've been awakened in the midst of very lovely and intense dreams...
33. Today I... became the Mommy Monster because I had a splitting headache and wanted to listen to the sounds of happy little girls cleaning their rooms instead of arguing, screaming little girls not doing anything of the sort. I don't like the Mommy Monster. I can only imagine how the girls feel about her.
34. Tomorrow I will be... less the monster, more the Mommy everyone loves and who is kind, compassionate, and giving of herself.
35. I really want to... become the me I was meant to be instead of the me that I am currently battling.
36. The person most likely to re-post this is... on Facebook, in my friends list somewhere... Probably.
37. The person least likely to re-post this is... doesn't know me... Probably.
38. My relationship with my grandparents... is... interesting. I love both of my grandmothers dearly and they couldn't be more different. My paternal grandmother with whom I am very close was a pessimistic neat-freak who could never handle too much emotion (unless it was hers) until Alzheimer's claimed her mind a couple of years ago. She's happier and more carefree now, but she doesn't really know me any more, unless I'm visiting. But if I call, she has no idea who I am. I miss so much of her. My maternal grandmother is an extremely hard-to-know-and-deal-with
39. My most treasured possession is... my treasure is my children. Not that they are possessions, but they are the jewels and the gold and all the world's diamonds to me. As for a physical possession... I actually couldn't name one. I have so many little things that I love, most of which are tied into sweet memories. For now, I'll say it's the sweet post-it KayKay wrote and put in the kitchen that says, "Love you Mom & Dad."
40. My favorite pictures... are of my family... Particularly of the girls.
41. I sing... opera in the car. Even though I swore I never would (my Mom sang opera to me in the car as a child, and it drove me crazy)... And I often like to sing horribly off-tune, just because I can! :O)
42. If I were a crayon... I'd be something vibrant and joyful, like Watermelon or Mandarin or Periwinkle or Mint or Dandelion!
43. Someday I want to travel to... Italy. And France for the food. But mostly Italy. Venice, Rome, Florence. Northern Italy. Central Italy. Not really Southern Italy. Oh, and back to Israel.
44. I am wearing... my $.97 Old Navy shirt which is dark purple with darker purple flowers and my most comfy jeans. I'm surprised. I'm usually not this clothed at home.
45. My favorite class in my LAST semester (since I'm NOT IN SCHOOL)... was either "The Rise of Judaism," which was utterly fascinating, or "Israel in Modern Literature & Film" which REALLY tackled some hard issues and made me think in ways I never had before.
46. My favorite language is… Hebrew... It's amazing and complex and has such deep-rooted meaning... Literally!
47. It hurts... to think that my girls are getting older and I haven't appreciated them as well as I should. So many regrets in that department already.
48. I'm going to miss... my twenties. My babies, as babies... But I already miss them, and they're still young!
49. My profile picture is... one the Daddy took about two years ago. Not much has changed, though. :O)
50. I need... grace. In unlimited amounts. And change, in so many ways. And coffee. Lots of coffee.
So there you have it. Fifty insights into me, some totally useless and trivial, some not so much.
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