
So, my friends, Julie and Rob are quite the musicians, and you can read about their adventures and listen to lovely recordings of their music on their website, The Lovespies.

Anyway, they had a recent conversation in their latest post which *so* reminded me of many a conversation between the Daddy and I that I had to share. After I'd laughed quite heartily. (Click here to go directly to that post.)

What makes it so funny to me is the contrast between specificity and generality. The specificity being on her part, and the generality being on his (i.e. the whole song versus just the beginning). Oh, how familiar that is. Apparently Julie tends to think a man's general discussion is actually dealing with the specific discussion she's having. I'm *so* glad I'm not the only one! I do the same thing with the Daddy almost every day. Poor thing.

The Daddy has jokingly told me on several occasions that conversations with women like me are the reason why men are allowed to beat their wives in other countries. I can't much blame him, but I always respond by telling him that I know where he sleeps. And that I'm in charge of most of what he eats.

He forgets that I come from a line of women familiar with the inner workings of Ex-Lax brownies (pun absolutely intended). Not that I have ever used the old family recipe. Hmmm... Heeheehee... *Rubbing my hands together gleefully*

(Kidding, Daddy! Mostly... *Smooch*)

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